Mastering WordPress Security Testing with WPScan in Kali Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

wpscan | Kali Linux Tools

As a popular content management system, WordPress is a frequent target for cyber attackers. WPScan, a powerful open-source tool, is specifically designed for WordPress security testing. In this tutorial, we will explore how to utilize WPScan effectively in Kali Linux, enabling you to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen your WordPress site's defenses against potential exploits.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Understanding WPScan

Introduction to WPScan:

WPScan is a powerful open-source tool specifically designed for WordPress security testing. It is widely recognized in the cybersecurity community as an essential utility for identifying vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses in WordPress websites. As a content management system (CMS) powering a significant portion of the internet, WordPress often becomes a prime target for cyber attackers seeking to exploit known vulnerabilities. By using WPScan, security professionals and website owners can proactively assess their WordPress sites, strengthen their defenses, and stay one step ahead of potential exploits.

How WPScan Works and Its Core Functionalities:

WPScan operates by employing various techniques to enumerate and analyze WordPress installations. It leverages an extensive database of known WordPress vulnerabilities, themes, plugins, and usernames to conduct in-depth scans. WPScan performs a combination of passive and active scanning methods, such as fingerprinting, enumeration, and brute-forcing, to gather information about the target WordPress site's configuration. With this data, WPScan can assess the site's security posture, identify potential weaknesses, and help site owners prioritize their security efforts effectively.

The Importance of Regular Security Testing for WordPress Websites:

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, website security is a paramount concern. Hackers continuously devise new attack vectors, and vulnerabilities can emerge in WordPress core, themes, and plugins. Regular security testing using WPScan allows website owners and administrators to proactively identify potential risks and take appropriate measures to protect their online assets. By performing routine security assessments with WPScan, you can stay ahead of attackers and ensure that your WordPress site remains a safe and reliable platform for visitors and users.

Section 2: Basic WPScan Usage

Launching WPScan in Kali Linux: 

To begin using WPScan in Kali Linux, open a terminal and enter the following command to start the tool:

This will initiate WPScan, and you will see the tool's banner and version information displayed on the terminal, indicating that WPScan is up and running.

Essential Command-Line Options and Parameters for Scanning: 

WPScan provides a wide range of options and parameters to customize your security scans. Understanding these options is essential for effective scanning. Here are some of the key command-line options and their explanations:

  • Target URL: The primary parameter required by WPScan is the target URL of the WordPress website you want to scan. This is the website address you wish to assess for vulnerabilities. The basic syntax for specifying the target URL is:
 wpscan --url
  • Enumeration Options: WPScan can perform various enumerations to gather information about the target website. These include enumerating plugins, themes, users, and more. For example:
 wpscan --url --enumerate p
This command will enumerate installed plugins on the target WordPress website.

  • Brute-Forcing Options: WPScan allows you to conduct brute-force attacks to guess usernames and passwords. However, it is essential to use this option with caution and only on websites you own or have explicit permission to test. For example:

 wpscan --url --username admin --wordlist /path/to/wordlist.txt

This command will perform a brute-force attack on the "admin" username using the wordlist specified.

  • Output Format: WPScan provides options to control the format of the output. The default format is in a colored and human-readable form. However, you can choose to save the results in other formats, such as JSON or XML, for further processing or reporting. For example:

 wpscan --url --output json > scan_results.json

This command will save the scan results in JSON format to a file named "scan_results.json."

Demonstrating a Simple Scan Command on a Test WordPress Website: 

Let's demonstrate a basic scan on a test WordPress website. Assume we are scanning a website with the URL "" Open a terminal and use the following command:
 wpscan --url

WPScan will start the scan, and you will see the progress and results displayed in real-time on the terminal. The tool will enumerate installed plugins, themes, users, and other information related to the target WordPress site.

Section 3: Scanning for Vulnerabilities

Conducting a Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment with WPScan: 

WPScan is a versatile tool that can perform an in-depth vulnerability assessment of WordPress websites. It leverages its extensive database of known WordPress vulnerabilities, themes, and plugins to detect potential weaknesses. By scanning for vulnerabilities, you can proactively identify security gaps and take prompt action to safeguard your WordPress site.

Identifying Common Vulnerabilities in WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins: 

WPScan is equipped to scan various aspects of a WordPress website, including the core installation, themes, and plugins. During the scan, WPScan will check for vulnerabilities such as outdated software, insecure configurations, and exposed sensitive information. It will also search for known vulnerabilities in themes and plugins, which are common targets for attackers.

To perform a vulnerability scan on a WordPress website, use the following command:
 wpscan --url

Interpreting the Scan Results and Understanding Risk Levels: 

Once the scan is complete, WPScan will present the results on the terminal. The output will contain crucial information about detected vulnerabilities and their risk levels. WPScan categorizes the risk levels as "High," "Medium," or "Low" based on the potential impact and exploitability of each vulnerability.

Pay close attention to the vulnerabilities labeled as "High" or "Medium," as these pose significant security risks and should be addressed immediately. The results will also include the specific URLs and affected components related to each vulnerability, enabling you to pinpoint the areas that require immediate attention.

Additionally, WPScan may provide recommendations and possible remediation actions for addressing the identified vulnerabilities. It is essential to follow these recommendations to strengthen the security posture of your WordPress site effectively.

Scan Results: 

Here is a hypothetical example of the WPScan vulnerability scan results:
 [i] Vulnerability Assessments:

[+] WordPress version: 5.8 (Latest)
[+] WordPress theme: Twenty Twenty-One
[+] WordPress plugins:
    - akismet: Vulnerable (3.1.12) [High]
    - contact-form-7: Version 5.4 - Outdated [Medium]
    - wp-super-cache: Version 1.7 - Outdated [Medium]

[!] The following issues were identified:
[!] Title: Akismet 3.1.12 - Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    Risk Level: High

[!] Title: Contact Form 7 5.4 - Unauthenticated File Upload
    Risk Level: Medium

[!] Title: WP Super Cache 1.7 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    Risk Level: Medium

[+] Finished: Found 3 vulnerabilities and 2 outdated plugins in 8 seconds

Section 4: Enumerating Users and Plugins with WPScan

In addition to scanning for vulnerabilities, WPScan offers powerful enumeration capabilities, allowing you to gather valuable information about the target WordPress website. Enumeration is a vital phase in ethical hacking, as it helps you identify potential entry points and understand the site's overall structure. In this section, we will explore how to use WPScan to enumerate users and plugins on the target WordPress website.

Enumerating Users: 

WPScan can help you discover valid usernames associated with the WordPress website. Having a list of valid usernames is valuable for several reasons, including identifying potential targets for brute-force attacks and understanding the site's user base.
To enumerate users, use the following command:
 wpscan --url --enumerate u

WPScan will perform the user enumeration and present a list of discovered usernames on the target WordPress site.

Enumerating Plugins: 

WordPress plugins are essential for adding functionality to websites, but outdated or vulnerable plugins can pose security risks. WPScan can help you enumerate installed plugins on the target website, providing insight into its plugin ecosystem and potential weak points.

To enumerate plugins, use the following command:
 wpscan --url --enumerate p

WPScan will enumerate the plugins installed on the target WordPress site and display a list of identified plugins along with their versions.

As a best practice, regularly update plugins to their latest versions, as developers frequently release security patches and bug fixes.

Using Enumerated Information: 

Information gathered during the enumeration phase can be crucial for planning subsequent steps in your ethical hacking process. For instance:

  • User Enumeration: With a list of valid usernames, you can assess the strength of user passwords through brute-force attacks or check for weak password policies.
  • Plugin Enumeration: Understanding the plugins used by the website allows you to research potential vulnerabilities associated with specific plugin versions. You can then prioritize security measures accordingly.

Section 5: Brute-Forcing Usernames and Passwords

Performing Username and Password Brute-Force Attacks with WPScan: 

WPScan offers a powerful feature for conducting brute-force attacks on WordPress websites. A brute-force attack involves systematically trying different usernames and passwords until a valid combination is found. However, it is crucial to emphasize that brute-forcing attacks should only be performed on websites that you own or have explicit authorization to test. Unauthorized brute-forcing is illegal and unethical.

Using WPScan for Brute-Forcing Usernames: 

To initiate a username brute-force attack, use the --enumerate u option followed by the -U flag and specify the username or a list of usernames you wish to brute-force. For example:
 wpscan --url --enumerate u -U admin,user1,user2

This command will attempt to brute-force the passwords for the usernames "admin," "user1," and "user2" on the target WordPress website.

Using WPScan for Brute-Forcing Passwords: 

Similarly, WPScan can be employed to perform a password brute-force attack. Use the --enumerate p option followed by the -P flag and provide the password or a list of passwords to be tested. For example:
 wpscan --url --enumerate p -P password1,password2,password3

This command will brute-force the usernames associated with the passwords "password1," "password2," and "password3" on the target WordPress website.

Understanding the Implications of Weak Login Credentials: 

Brute-forcing attacks are highly resource-intensive and time-consuming. However, they can be successful against weak or commonly used usernames and passwords. If WPScan identifies weak login credentials during the brute-forcing process, it is crucial to address them immediately. Weak credentials significantly increase the risk of unauthorized access to your WordPress site, potentially leading to data breaches, defacement, or other malicious activities.

Mitigating Weak Login Credentials: 

To mitigate the risk of brute-force attacks, follow these best practices:

  1. Use Strong Passwords: Encourage users to create strong, unique passwords containing a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  2. Limit Login Attempts: Implement login attempt restrictions to limit the number of failed login attempts before locking out an account temporarily.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security, making it harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access.
  4. Username Obfuscation: Avoid using predictable usernames such as "admin" and instead use less common ones.

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