The Hidden Danger of Base64 Encoding: How Attackers Bypass Web Application Firewalls

Web application firewalls (WAFs) have long been a staple of many organizations' cybersecurity strategies. But as attackers become more cunning in their efforts to bypass these defenses, a new technique is emerging as a formidable threat: base64 encoding.

In case you're not familiar, base64 encoding is a method of encoding binary data as ASCII text. It's commonly used to transmit binary data over systems that only support ASCII text, but it's also a handy tool in the cyber attacker's arsenal.

Here's how it works: an attacker looking to inject malicious code into a vulnerable web application can use base64 encoding to obfuscate the payload. If the WAF is configured to block or sanitize any strings that match the pattern <script>, the payload will be caught.

But if the attacker encodes the payload in base64 format, it will look like a harmless string of characters that the WAF will likely allow. Once the encoded payload is sent to the vulnerable web application, the application will decode it and execute the original payload, bypassing the WAF's filters.

Here's a simple example:

Let's say an attacker wants to send the following payload to a vulnerable web application:


If the WAF is configured to block or sanitize any strings that match the pattern <script>, the payload will be blocked or sanitized.

However, if the attacker encodes the payload in base64 format, it will look like this:


What's worse, attackers can use multiple layers of base64 encoding or add extra characters to the payload to make it even more difficult for WAFs to detect and block the payloads.

So, how can organizations protect themselves from this insidious threat? Here are some key takeaways:

  • Regularly update and patch your WAF: Staying up to date with the latest security patches and configuring your WAF to detect and block the latest attack techniques is critical.
  • Block base64-encoded payloads: While attackers can still obfuscate their payloads further, blocking base64-encoded payloads is still an effective way to stop many attacks.
  • Use a layered defense approach: Employ other security controls such as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), endpoint protection, and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions in addition to a WAF.

Base64 encoding is just one of the many tools cyber attackers use to circumvent WAFs. As always, it's important to remain vigilant and stay on top of the latest threats to keep your organization's web applications secure.

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